
May 26,2022:
starting this website, trying to learn html, did the front page and messed around a good chunk.

May 27,2022:
added multiple pages , menu bar, curious case of fred mcelroy, graph page, etc. This is a lot of fun! I'll be going to a friend's house today and I'm excited to show what I have so far! I think for my second day with html im not making bad progress so far!

May 28,2022:
fixing some links that led back to the home menu because i was doing the menu thing wrong specifically for that so I'm trying to see if I find anywhere else where that might be the case. The frog collector page was also added yesterday, i gotta figure out how to get this up on a server properly with everything in it included, I'd like to flesh it out a bit more as well.

May 31,2022:
worked on the frog page a bit, i took some days off to do other stuff and maybe start ideas on game a bit! I'm thinking it might be fun to do a devlog on the game as well, although i dont really have much to show for it yet at all i do have some ideas here and there! Maybe I should get another one of those sketchbooks that holds watercolor well to be able to keep ideas with watercolor too! That could be really fun plus watercolor looks pretty.I also want to fix up the front page and clear up the aesthetic / purpose of it more if I can but Ill have to see if I do that today or not.